Newfoundland Labrador Basketball Association: Coaching

Coaching Levels

NCCP Certification

The NLBA offers Learn to Train courses in the fall and winter, we also offer a Train to Trian clinic in the early winter. FUNdamentals is offered based on interest. Go to under workshops to find all listings, and to sign up for the interest page.

Community Coach/Basketball FUNdamentals

This course is for coaches who work with athletes aged 6-10 years of age. The 6 1/2 hour course includes ethics, modified games approach, LTAD, safety, age appropriate practice planning and skill development. After completing this course coaches will be considered "Trained".
To register go to Game Plan

Learn to Train 

This course is for coaches working with athletes 9-12 years of age. This 16-hour course includes ethical decision making, modified games, safety, practice planning and skill development. After completing this course the coaches will be considered "Trained". To become "Certified" coaches will have to complete a portfolio, be evaluated at a practice by a provincial evaluator and pass the NCCP on-line Making Ethical Decisions quiz.
To register go to Game Plan

Train to Train

This course is for coaches who work with athletes 11-15 years of age. This 16-hour course includes LTAD, ethics, planning, teaching strategies, mental training, skill development and development of offensive and defensive concepts. After completing this course the coaches will be considered "Trained". To become "Certified" coaches will have to complete a portfolio, be evaluated at a game by a provincial evaluator, and pass the NCCP on-line Making Ethical Decisions quiz.
To register go to Game Plan

Train to Compete

This course is for coaches working with athletes 15-21 years of age. Coaches wishing to become "Certified" must also complete the six Competition-Development Theory modules through Sport NL. It is strongly recommended coaches who wish to pursue NCCP Competition-Development "Certification" begin completing the Competition-Development Theory modules. For more information on the theory modules go to: Sport NL.
To register go to Game Plan

Coach Education Programs and Resources

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