Newfoundland Labrador Basketball Association: Safe Sport

Safe Sport

The NLBA has committed to providing a safe sport environment for all its athletes, coaches, volunteers, and staff. Part of this commitment involves providing training to everyone in the NLBA Community. We have multiple programs available for individuals based on their role within the NLBA.


Coaches will be required to take the NCCP Safe Sport Training in addition to the Rule of Two training through the coach locker. They also have the option to participate in the Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders Training through The Respect Group.


Parents are encouraged to take the NCCP Safe Sport Training as well, this is a free program. Parents are also encouraged to participate in the Respect in Sport for Parents Training through The Respect Group.


The NLBA encourages clubs to join in taking the pledge with the Responsible Coaching Movement from the Coaches Association of Canada.

Links to all programs can be found below. 

It is important that we provide safe and supportive environments for all participants. 

To Report an Incident Click Here

NCCP Safe Sport Training

Creating a culture where everyone can thrive is a shared responsibility. The Safe Sport Training module developed by the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) will help anyone involved in sport identify and prevent situations of maltreatment.

Together, we can make sport safe for everyone.

NCCP Rule of Two Training

The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are in open, observable, and justifiable settings.

A safe sport environment ensures that all participants including coaches, staff, and administrators apply the Rule of Two.

The CAC’s Understanding the Rule of Two eLearning module outlines how you can increase the safety and security of sport participants while protecting all those involved.

How the Rule of Two works:

Work as a team

A coach should have another coach or screened adult (parent or volunteer) present when interacting with participants.

Remain open to the public

Have a training environment that ensures all situations are open, observable and justifiable.

Plan transportation

Have at least two adults present when traveling with a participant(s), and refer to your club travel policy.

Be sensible

Be considerate of the gender of the participant(s) when selecting coaches or volunteers.

Transparent communication

Ensure that all communications are sent to the group and/or include parents or guardian, without one-to-one messaging.

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