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About the Organization
SJABO is looking for interested persons to become officials! If you are interested in becoming an official, or are a past official planning to return to officiating please click here for more information:
Become an Official
NLBOC is currently in the process of solidifying dates for clinics across the province. Keep up to date with any upcoming clinics on Gameplan via the image below!
The 2024-25 FIBA Rules Exam dates have not yet been published.
In order to complete the rules exam, officials who previously registered for the 2024-25 year will be granted access to Game Plan once the exam window opens. Those who do not have a gameplan account will not be able to write the exam.
There are currently Practice Exams available to take in preparation for this year’s exam. Sign into your Game Plan account and click on the “FIBA Exam” tab to access the practice exam.
Please read through the following 2021-22 FIBA Exam Instructions for all the information in regards to preparing for the exam:
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